30 December 2012
They called me crazy
A friend told me last night that I'm not a very good self-promoter. So:
I wrote this in September 2006. At the time the Austin chattering class was saying that Latino Republicans couldn't make it through a Republican primary in Texas.
If I had to bet on who will have the first Latino governor or senator, I'd bet on the elephants. In terms of the farm team, Democrats have more Hispanic officeholders. They've got mayors in the Valley, Congressmen, and state legislators. Republicans have Railroad Commish Victor Carrillo, Congressman Henry Bonilla, Mexico Ambassador Tony Garza, Solicitor General Ted Cruz, and of course George P. Bush. So Democrats have more in number, but it seems that Republicans have more in terms of the stature necessary to win a premier statewide race. However, there's a bunch of GOPers waiting in line to run for statewide office in Texas, so any of those Republicans would have to get through a primary. So I'd say we're still a few cycles away...
Holds up pretty well 6 years later.
In April 2006, after meeting Ted Cruz for the first time at a Federalist Society event, I wrote:
I can definitely see both Ted Cruz and George P. Bush being future statewide officeholders.
Posted by Evan @ 12/30/12 06:19 PM | Comments (0)