About me

I started this blog in December 2004. There were rumors swirling about who was going to challenge Rick Perry. On a whimsical note, I described the situation as "Rick Perry versus the World." People started reading, so I kept posting...well, ok, there's been quite a few interludes where I stopped posting.

I choose to leave my last name off of this blog, because I'd rather prospective employers not see this blog when they google my name. It's not hard to figure out if you really care though. I graduated a few years ago from Rice, where I wrote my senior thesis on the Deep South gubernatorial campaigns of the 90s.

Posted by Evan @ 12/26/04 09:40 AM


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If you're Republican, why the heck are you giving the Republican incumbent Governor a hard time? Politics may not be your thing.

Posted by Mike @ 07/28/05 10:38 AM

I'm not giving Rick Perry a hard time. This blog tracks the gubernatorial race (and other Texas politics and politicos as well, lately). It generally aims to simply chronicle the events that unfold.

Perhaps the name is unflattering to Perry, but at the conception of this blog, it really seemed like it was Rick Perry against the world. There were lots of rumors of primary challenges and Democratic challengers.

Posted by evan @ 08/12/05 03:36 AM

Do you know of a site that lists the Texas candidate and their stand on various issues?

Posted by KJones @ 09/22/06 01:13 PM

Evan, I've started a similar blog to your own, however it'll have much less analysis than you seem to have.

I plan on simply grouping together information about candidates stands on "the issues" as KJones has been seeking.


Not much there now, but it's a work in progress.

Posted by will @ 09/26/06 07:46 AM

i am learning about Rick Perry in TX History, and i think he will be okay for another term- just not as long as he isnt when i am grown up. i want chris bell, he doesnt want TAKS

Posted by TX HISTORY @ 10/23/06 10:23 PM

this place is graet for my research that i have to do on this guy

Posted by kayce sutton @ 05/22/07 10:06 AM

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