the .357

DMN's Rodger Jones last week was wondering when KBH last fired the .357 Magnum she says she keeps by her bed.

Since there are no permalinks on DMN's blog yet, I'll just quote here.

Paydirt! This just in from Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison's press aide concerning her .357 Magnum, the impetus of efforts to change Washington's gun laws:

The Senator told me the last time she fired the .357 Magnum was when she first purchased it to become acquainted with the firearm and to make sure she was comfortable with it. That gun is simply for protection, however, so when she goes hunting or skeet shooting she uses a shotgun or rifle.

Also, about KBH hunting:
It’s been a few years since Sen. Hutchison has purchased a hunting license or gone hunting – probably back in 2002. She went pheasant hunting the last time. Also, the last time she fired a gun was also a few years ago when she went skeet shooting.

While she loves hunting and shooting, it’s been extremely difficult since her two young children, Bailey and Houston, came into her life. But she’s looking forward to getting back out there and hunting soon again.

Maybe nothing earthshattering, but interesting.

Posted by Evan @ 05/29/05 05:58 PM


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