Hutchison responds to Clements

Todd Gillman got Senator Hutchison to respond to yesterday's op-ed by Bill Clements endorsing both Perry and Hutchison for re-election.

"Look, it's very obvious that the Perry campaign is putting things out on a weekly basis to discourage me from running for governor," she said Thursday when asked about a guest column Mr. Clements wrote for The Dallas Morning News' opinion page. "I will make the decision based on what I think is the best thing I could do for Texas."


Perry campaign manager Luis Saenz said the campaign had nothing to do with the piece.

"I don't think anyone can make Governor Clements do anything," he said. "He just feels like thousands of other Republicans feel."

Hutchison's quote sounds to me like something a candidate would say.

Posted by Evan @ 05/20/05 12:18 AM


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