
This blog's namesake was in Pittsburgh for a Boy Scouts convention/speech. While there, he stopped in and chatted with the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.

Perry has to enjoy knowing that it will get the Austin chattering class...chattering. Stopping by a newspaper board in a key swing state just [The Tribune-Review is generally the more rightward-leaning paper in the area, while the Post-Gazette leans leftward.]

The transportation issues facing Texas Gov. Rick Perry earlier this decade were so severe that it was faster to take back roads from San Antonio to Dallas than Interstate 35.
That's akin to taking Route 60 to Pittsburgh International Airport from Downtown to avoid the Parkway West.

Perry pushed through a package of highway construction projects driven by public-private partnerships, similar to the long-term lease of the Pennsylvania Turnpike sought by Gov. Ed Rendell.

Texas' decision to turn to private companies to build and maintain 4,000 miles of highways in key corridors was in response to a business and population boom. Highways were clogged and air pollution worsened.


Perry likes Rendell's turnpike plan, as long as revenue is directed only to transportation projects.

"If Pennsylvania needs new infrastructure, new lane miles, and if all the money stays in the world of Pennsylvania transportation, then that's worth having," he said.

Considering that Rendell's plan calls for taxing oil company profits, that's a little bit of a surprising thing for the governor of Texas to say to the Tribune-Review editorial board. Although I imagine that Perry was probably chatting about this in the context of talking about his own Trans-Texas Corridor plans.

Posted by Evan @ 04/29/07 03:55 PM


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