Not that I don't think she's serious...

...but am I the only one who was inspired by Senator Hutchison's re-election announcement to doublecheck the filing deadlines?

The filing period will be December 3, 2005 until January 2, 2006. The primary is March 7.

Like I said, I don't doubt her. But it is possible that Kay could have already lost her senate leadership election [I don't think this is likely. Kay appears likely to win, as she, Kyl and Ensign have already decided not to run against each other. However congressional leadership election results are known de facto sooner and sooner] and Strayhorn could be winning handily. If so, I have to wonder whether Hutchison might reconsider, at least for a moment.

I'm not trying to start a rumor. I'm just saying, there's always a chance, even if only remotely miniscule.

Edit: how happy are national Republicans that they won't have to defend an open seat in Texas? That's a big chunk of resources that the NRSC can send to states like MI, MN, FL, PA and MD to elect Michael Steele. Alternately, the money the NRSC saves from a TX open seat is practically enough to entirely fund an ND campaign.

Posted by Evan @ 06/29/05 03:48 PM


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