Texas Monthly mention

Cheers to TM editor Evan Smith for mentioning this blog in a story from this month's issue (with Lance Armstrong on the cover) about Nate Nance.

I have a terrible memorization skills, but I believe the quote was "a Republican take on the wild, wacky, governor's race (www.perryvsworld.com)."

I was amused by one thing. Smith writes -- probably partly tongue-in-cheek -- about how he shouldn't promote his competition, seeing as most bloggers think they're going to bring down the media.

I've never seen it that way. Blogs aren't competing with Texas Monthly. I'm certainly not -- I'd have to be getting paid more to write lengthy and thoughtful analysis pieces! I write a lot of drafts of longer analyses, but never get around to finishing them.

It seems to me that blogs are all about niches. As Tom Kirkendall says, the "blogosphere is redefining the way in which specialized information and knowledge is communicated." My own experience is that the folks who read this blog are mostly other bloggers, journalists -- especially from smaller papers -- who want to make sure they aren't missing anything on their beat, political junkies trolling for the latest rumor and info.

On the other hand, my understanding of this blog's readership is anecdotally based on people who email me. So more regular readers should email me.

Or maybe I'll design a poll.

Posted by Evan @ 06/29/05 04:06 PM


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you're in the minority, honey. plenty PLENTY of blogs think they're going to bring down what they love to refer to as the "MSM." Give me a break.
I'm a regular reader of blogs AND newspapers and I have three words to that:
*never gonna happen*
I don't see why blogs can't be happy with their current role as media watchdogs and political commentators. Love your stuff, by the way.

Posted by drinks_at_the_stephen_f @ 06/30/05 05:47 PM

Ok, fair point: there are many bloggers who want to "bring down the mainstream media." But it seems to me that most of these bloggers are partisan hacks who are most interested in venting frustration.

Drinks -- drop me a line if you're so inclined. Your IP address gives me a general idea who you work for. ;)

Posted by evan @ 07/01/05 04:24 AM

I can tell you I have no desire to bring down the MSM. I work at a newspaper after all. But I would like to see a bigger role for us bloggers than "media watchdog". If only because we need to make some form of money to continue blogging.

By the way, thanks for mentioning me. I think this is where all the conservatives who have been emailing me have come from. There is nothing like reading "I don't agree with anything you say, but I think you are very funny and enjoy reading your blog." Bridging the partisan divide with Common Sense.

Nate Nance

Posted by Nate-N @ 07/01/05 09:12 PM

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