"Adios, Mofo"

There's lots of important events going on in the governor's race. Perry vetoed the education parts of the budget in order to force a deal to be made on school finance in a special session. Kay dropped out and is trying to decide whether to run to be the #3 or #4 Republican in the Senate, which could become the race for #2 if Santorum loses to Democrat Bob Casey, Jr. (who lost badly to Rendell in a Dem primary for guv in 02) Senator Cornyn felt unencumbered by Kay's dropping out, and thus endorsed Perry.

Strayhorn is officially in, is good at getting media attention, and one of her four sons is managing her campaign. You might see her son Scott on tv now and again -- he's Bush's spokesman in DC. Another son is FDA Commish. She's taken to calling Rick Perry a "drugstore cowboy" and finally has a website.

Will Hutchison endorse Strayhorn? She is the last statewide officeholder who has not endorsed Perry.

Yeah yeah. But in a line reminiscent of W's "there's Adam Clymer, major league asshole from the New York Times" -- although not nearly as "good" -- Rick Perry had some parting words for a KTRK reporter (link via Pink Lady):

Our questions were not recorded on tape, but in saying goodbye I told the governor, "Try as I may, Governor, I guess I can't win this one."

Eleven seconds after he said goodbye, the camera crew was getting ready for the next interview with another station. That's when Gov. Perry repeated what he thought I'd said, and added a few words of his own with his microphone on and tape still rolling.

"Try as I may, Governor, I'm not going to wait that long," Gov. Perry said. "Adios, Mofo."

Those last words aren't exactly part of the seven dirty words, but it isn't something you want to say to your mother or use in good company. Tuesday morning, Governor Perry called me personally. He apologized and said his comment wasn't directed at us.

He agreed it was just one of those times a politician is caught by an open mike saying something embarrassing. He tells us he was just trying to get a reaction from the camera crew and it wasn't said with any malice or intent.

Of course, without seeing the clip, it's pretty hard to determine what Perry meant. We don't know whether he has a history with this reporter, whether he thought the entire interview was unfair, whether he was being untoward and curmudgeonly, or whether he was obviously joking. If anyone has a clip they can send me, I'll post it here.

Either way, it's still funny.

UPDATE: Harvey has Perry saying:

"I called Ted this morning and I apologized to him," Perry said. "I explained to him that it wasn't.... Some inappropriate banter that was directed towards Robert Black, and no offense towards him and I shared that with him or anyone else for that matter. It was Robert and I making some banter and it was inappropriate."

UPDATE DOS: Try this link for video of the matter. Thanks to the comments.

It appears to me that Perry is indeed speaking offcamera, which supports his view that he was just joking around.

Posted by Evan @ 06/21/05 09:27 PM


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click on the "ABC13 Reports" Link...right next to the small camera icon. It's pretty easy to miss

Posted by worth watching @ 06/21/05 11:25 PM

Here is a direct link to the video:


Posted by Keath Milligan @ 06/22/05 09:44 AM

...as if we needed more confirmation that Perry is just sucking up to the fundamentalists to stay in office.

Posted by Dennis @ 06/22/05 01:29 PM

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