The AP on rumors

The AP hears the same rumors that I was hearing:

Comptroller Carole Keeton Strayhorn said Tuesday she remains a Republican candidate for governor, despite speculation among supporters of rival Gov. Rick Perry that she's exploring an independent run.

"I am a Republican candidate for governor in 2006," Strayhorn said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press.

But asked whether she was considering running for Texas governor as an independent or in another party, Strayhorn wouldn't confirm or deny it. She would say only: "I am a Republican candidate for governor in 2006."

For several days, some Republicans connected to Perry have said they know of Republican voters who recently received telephone polling calls asking about a scenario in which Strayhorn might run as an independent. They've also said they've heard indirectly about discussions among Strayhorn supporters about her running as an independent.

"You know, this is a rumor a day," Strayhorn told the AP. She said she's also heard the "rumor" that she will decide to run again for comptroller, a job she has held for two terms.

Were these rumors grounded in fact or did the Perry campaign manufacture them?

Posted by Evan @ 12/13/05 10:55 PM


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