Mobile phone on the drive home links.

1. Omar Gallaga writes social media for the Statesman.

Perry and White both use smart phones to keep followers updated via Twitter and Facebook (White has an iPhone, Perry a BlackBerry). Their staffs tote equipment to send videos, photos, status updates, e-mails and blog posts from the road.
If I were betting, I'd say that Blackberry users are probably more Republican while iPhones are more likely Dems. Some of that probably has to do with youth, but I bet it is true even controlled for age. Might be wrong though.

2. Peggy Fikac picked up RickvsKay's post to argue that looks have nothing to do with Perry erasing the gender gap. I'm...not going to touch this one.

3. In case you missed it in the primary season, Rick Perry really doesn't care if he doesn't receive a single newspaper editorial board endorsement.

4. Bill White's latest ad:

Thought this was one of White's better ads. I was surprised at the explicit mention of hurricane profiteering.

5. Peggy Fikac looks at transportation funding options.

Posted by Evan @ 10/05/10 05:27 PM


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so who gets the android vote?

Posted by yara @ 10/05/10 08:47 PM

Android = swing vote.

Posted by Rick Perry vs World @ 10/05/10 09:08 PM

Are you calling me a swinger? Hmm... :)

Posted by kevin @ 10/10/10 02:02 PM

well, the swing vote is currently moving heavily towards Republicans... heh

Posted by Rick Perry vs World @ 10/10/10 02:06 PM

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