It's official: Silly Season has begun

The Tea Party protests Cornyn's Dallas office:

About a dozen tea party activists rallied at Sen. John Cornyn's district office in Dallas on Thursday to protest the National Republican Senatorial Committee's involvement in several primary contests.

The protesters met briefly with Cornyn's staff but were told their question would have to be answered by representatives of the campaign committee, which Cornyn leads, or Cornyn's political staff. The senator was not in that office.

Try to keep your eyes on the target, don't you think? Cornyn has done a decent job as NRSC chair, and even though I recently had a pretty horrible constituent service experience with his staff (distracted by the NRSC?), the Tea Party protesting Cornyn has to mark the official beginning of Silly Season.

Posted by Evan @ 09/06/10 11:11 AM


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