Helter-skelter strategy

RG Ratcliffe recounts the facts:

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Bill White recently launched a new television commercial designed to portray Republican incumbent Rick Perry as an Austin insider more interested in taking care of himself and his friends than the people of Texas. The ad focused on a Thursday fundraiser in Austin that was hosted by 29 lobbyists.

"You want to know who pulls the strings in Rick Perry's Texas," says White, casually dressed in a blue shirt that matches his eyes. White speaks directly to the camera. "There're 30 hosts; 29 of the 30 are registered lobbyists. Many used to work on Perry’s staff."

The Capitol Inside newsletter noted that many of the same lobbyists attended a White fundraiser in Austin in 2004 shortly after he was elected Houston mayor and that Washington, D.C., lobbyists hosted a fundraiser for White in February.

Generally in any sort of communications, it helps to have the facts on your side.

Posted by Evan @ 09/06/10 06:48 AM


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