Gettin linky wid it
* The Hill profiles Dem Congressman Henry Cuellar. One thing about Cuellar: he understands that trade is a good thing. He passes along that former Dallas mayor and current US Trade Rep Ron Kirk thinks they can get the Colombia trade deal passed. I sure hope so, but given that Congressional Democrats have long been the stumbling block to the trade deal with America's strongest Latin American ally...not sure what has changed. It'd be nice to see the shameful treatment of America's allies stop though.
* Cornyn pens an op-ed in the Chron about Obama's slashing of NASA's budget in his proposed budget.
President Barack Obama's proposed budget for the next fiscal year includes very bad news for the Greater Houston area, and for our nation. One year after celebrating its 50th year and the 40th anniversary of the first moon landing, NASA has learned that the White House wants it to abandon its historic role in space exploration. The administration has proposed the termination of NASA's Constellation program, our nation's flagship endeavor to return Americans to the moon and beyond. After $9 billion invested over seven years, the president would leave this program adrift and without a mission.Truthfully though, presidential budgets are largely political theater. Congress pretty regularly ignores them. And cutting NASA spending was just a trick so Obama could say that he actually cut spending on something.
* William McKenzie <3 Bill White.
* KBH in Bryan for breakfast. You'd think Aggieland would be Perryland, wouldn't you?
* The people making fun of Sarah Palin for the notes on her hand remind me of the people making fun of Obama for his teleprompters.
Posted by Evan @ 02/10/10 05:06 PM
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