Spin usually involves an element of truth.

Gary Martin, SAEN:

President Barack Obama urged lawmakers in his State of the Union speech Wednesday to drop partisan divisions and pass immigration reform legislation.

"We should continue the work of fixing our broken immigration system," Obama said, "to secure our borders, enforce our laws and ensure that everyone who plays by the rules can contribute to our economy and enrich our nation."


"I am going to give the president a lot of credit for broaching the subject in this particular environment of 'Just Say No to Everything,' " said Rep. Charlie Gonzalez, D-San Antonio.

I support changing the law on immigration, but a mere mention in a laundry list during a State of the Union ain't gonna get it done. Obama so far hasn't really "broached the subject" and to say otherwise is stretching it. I understand Obama is trying to do other things -- hey, politics is a question of priorities -- but let's not make stuff up: there is no Obama plan on immigration.

And Gonzalez seems to want to re-write history, but it was the Democrats who chose to write bills like the "stimulus" package that couldn't garner a single Republican vote in Congress during a moment of strong Obama popularity. Congressman are pretty risk-averse by nature, so if they had crafted a bill that any Republican could possibly support, they would've picked up a vote or two. As it was, they couldn't even get Congressman Cao's vote in Louisiana.

Posted by Evan @ 01/28/10 10:51 PM


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