The Kitchen Sink = Kay Bailey Hutchison's campaign so far

Kelley Shannon, AP:

U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison took aim Thursday at Gov. Rick Perry's oversight of the Texas Enterprise Fund, saying he has kept the public in the dark about the fund's activities. She called for an immediate independent audit of the job creation program.


"If the senior senator is saying that David Dewhurst and Joe Straus have been poor managers of the TEF then she needs to say so," Perry said. "I would suggest to you that the enterprise fund, having created 54,600 jobs and $14.3 billion in capital in the state of Texas, I think I'll compare that to what they've done in Washington, D.C. any day."

Perry's stats should be taken with a grain of salt, but it doesn't look like Kay is saying that it shouldn't exist. She's saying that Perry operates it in a shady manner. Well if it's operated in a shady manner, wouldn't it be Dewhurst and Straus' responsibility not to sign off on the things that the governor's office proposes?

I just don't get Hutchison's campaign. It looks like she's trying to throw the kitchen sink and whatever else she can find. It's just this muddled, incoherent message.

Posted by Evan @ 01/28/10 10:37 PM


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