Apparently, I like linkposts
* Will Hurd's candidacy in San Antonio CD23 is interesting to me. Former A&M student body president (sound familiar?) turned CIA agent now running for Congress:
Speaking to a College Republicans meeting at UTSA, 32-year-old Will Hurd recalled congressional delegations visiting CIA posts in India, Afghanistan and Pakistan. A senior member of the House intelligence committee, someone you'd think should have a nuanced understanding of the Arab world, asked him the difference between Sunni and Shia Muslims.Hurd may have been talking about Texas Congressman Silvestre Reyes, who as House Intelligence Chairman didn't know that whether al Qaeda is Sunni or Shiite.Hurd thought he was joking. "I was shocked by the caliber of our elected leaders," he said.
* The Medina boomlet is starting to feel like a media-driven candidacy, is it not?
* RG Ratcliffe does abortion as a gubernatorial issue in the Chron. If I get around to it, I'll comment more.
* Fortune profiles the odd couple: libertarian Ron Paul and socialist Bernie Sanders. They've apparently convinced John Cornyn. If I were Ron Paul, I might want to be careful, as I wouldn't be surprised if some enterprising Republican decides to take you on.
* Texas Watchdog notices that HillCo Partners are giving free rent to the Mexican American Legislative Caucus. It's unlikely to get alot of media play, because it doesn't fit any of the media's narratives.
*Slampo had me laughing with this one:
It's been pathetic––even poignant, if you're the sensitive sort––watching Kay Bailey Hutchison trundle out her endorsements by these antediluvian, establishmentarian Republicans––Bush Senior (now sadly looking his age), James Baker, and, most curiously, at least to us, Dick Cheney. Surely Brent Scowcroft also has thrown one her way and we missed it.He later asks, "would even half of potential Republican primary voters be able to accurately identify James Baker, if forced to do so at gunpoint?" I'd take the under and feel pretty good about my bet.
* The Dems running against Todd Staples called him names yesterday. But maybe they should stop getting in fights with each other before they start throwing stones?
Posted by Evan @ 01/26/10 05:14 AM
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Will Hurd's campaign is interesting, you can find out more about it here:
Posted by Bill Compton @ 01/26/10 11:34 AM
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