DeMint v Cornyn

Alexander Bolton, The Hill:

Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) is locked in a battle with National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman John Cornyn (Texas) over the future makeup of the Senate Republican conference.

DeMint (S.C.), the chairman of the Senate Republican Steering Committee, is going toe-to-toe with Cornyn in Senate Republican primaries.

DeMint has set up a fundraising committee, the Senate Conservatives Fund, to counter the support the GOP establishment may give to centrist candidates in the belief they have the best chance of winning general elections.

I find this interesting because I get the sense that much of the Texas establishment thinks of Cornyn as a DeMint type. It has been my contention that they misread the junior senator. Score a small data point for me.

Posted by Evan @ 12/29/09 02:51 PM


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