Oxford and Giuliani

Interesting law.com article about Rudy, Bracewell & Giuliani, Pat Oxford and the intersection between law firms and politics. I confess to finding it amusing that the writer, Susan Beck, spent so much time trying to get people to admit that Rudy doesn't practice law. Of course Rudy doesn't practice law! He's a symbol of prestige for the firm, no one ever expected otherwise.

But Oxford's main outside passion has been politics. In 1970, when he was just three years out of law school, he worked on his first campaign, George H.W. Bush's unsuccessful run for U.S. senator from Texas. In 1978 Oxford took a leave from Bracewell to be deputy campaign manager for the late John Tower in his re-election run for U.S. senator from Texas. "I was probably getting a little restless in practice," Oxford explained. Over the years, Oxford has aligned himself with a series of successful Republican candidates in Texas, including the state's two U.S. senators. He has played significant roles in all of Kay Bailey Hutchison's three campaigns for that office and was Texas co-chairman of her last campaign, in 2006; he has been treasurer of John Cornyn's fund-raising committee since 2003. (Cornyn has raised $5.6 million since then.) One Republican insider says that Oxford's success in politics is partly due to his engaging personality. "Pat's just a good guy," he says. "He works hard at maintaining friendships, and he's very good at it."

I hadn't realized that Oxford had been a campaign staffer. Huh.

I drive by Oxford's house almost every day, so that occasionally prompts me to wonder whether Bracewell has made money on its Giuliani gamble. Impossible to know, but it sounds like they aren't unhappy.

Posted by Evan @ 06/04/07 05:31 PM


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