Texas needs a Costa

If you don't follow Washington Post reporter Robert Costa (@costareports) on Twitter, then you are missing out. His tweets consistently break news. He is one of the few reporters who DC Republicans will talk to candidly, because they know he won't play gotcha politics. He reports, and his work at the National Review on the government shutdown made him so indispensable that the Washington Post had to hire him.

He's one of the extraordinarily rare instances that a major national media outlet has hired someone from a center-right publication. From a New Republic interview with him:

Q: [D]o you think being the National Review Washington editor helps you get scoops on the Republican side that reporters at The New York Times or other nominally neutral outlets, to say nothing of a liberal outlet, wouldn't get?

RC: Of course, and that's obvious, and I've known that from the start. But it's how I've developed that access. My job is connecting the dots with all these sources I have on the right. It gives me the ability to understand the language of conservatism. When I cover Tea Party activists and conservative House members, it's not like I'm a reporter going into a zoo and raising my eyebrows at the scene and filing some color piece. I'm really taking seriously the ways conservatives think, use power, and practice politics, and reporting that straight.

What is amazing is that Texas media does not have a Costa. TEXAS. There are some good reporters in Texas, but none has shown the ability to cover conservatives. Not only does it frequently lead to some milquetoast reporting and weak analysis, it means that citizens don't actually have a good sense of what is happening in their state government.

I continued to be surprised that no Texas media outlet has even attempted to find a Costa. There is an opening.

Posted by Evan @ 06/12/14 07:17 AM


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Please let me direct you to Watchdog.org's Texas page where we have been covering conservatives fairly and critically for several years:
Jon Cassidy is the only reporter in Texas who has gotten the Wallace Hall story right. I'm qualified to say that because I edited those stories and was his predecessor at what used to be Texas Watchdog. You can read my decidedly libertarian tweets @marktxwatchdog. Ask the staffs of Gov. Perry and Lt. Gov. Dewhurst I covered conservatives.
Mark Lisheron
Senior Content Manager

Posted by Watchdog.org @ 06/12/14 11:55 AM

But wait, your forgetting all about Paul Burkhahahahaha-

Sorry, I just couldn't type that with a straight face...

Posted by Lawrence Person @ 06/13/14 04:01 PM

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