Austin Dem polling firm: Perry 46, White 37

After Rasmussen showed Perry leading by 13 (and over the 50% mark), a Democratic firm shows Perry leading by 9.

Opinion Analysts recently completed a survey of 602 likely 2010 General election voters Statewide. The poll was conducted May 7-13. In our initial trial heat – a test with no potentially biasing information preceding – Perry holds a 46% to 37% lead over Bill White, with 3% going to the Libertarian candidate and 14% Undecided.

They go on to argue that Perry's job rating is upside down, although the way they asked the question (they didn't release the whole poll) is the sort of question that will get more people to agree to an ambiguous word (45% "only fair") that the firm can call negative.

In short, if a Dem polling firm has Perry at +9 where they didn't release the whole poll, that goes a fairly long way towards putting the Rasmussen poll in the margin of error.

Posted by Evan @ 05/18/10 02:37 PM


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