Nick Lampson: In the Teamsters' pocket

Mittelstadt/Moreno, Chron:

The Teamsters Union and three public-interest groups asked a federal court Wednesday to block the Bush administration from opening U.S. roadways to Mexican trucks as early as this weekend.

The request to the 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in San Francisco for an emergency injunction marks the latest effort in a 13-year battle by the Teamsters to stymie cross-border trucking provisions ratified under the North American Free Trade Agreement.

But Rep. Nick Lampson, D-Stafford, and others in Congress said they remain concerned.

"I would hope that President Bush would reconsider what he's doing," said Lampson, who serves on the House Transportation Committee.

Sounds to me like the sort of thinly veiled stereotyping that liberals like him were supposed to get upset about. I know than Slick Nick Lampson wants to keep his liberal interest groups happy, but perhaps doing so on the back of Mexican truckers is not the best way.

What three "public interest" groups joined the union? Sierra Club, Public Citizen and the Environmental Law Foundation. All hardcore left-wing organizations, but all given the friendly moniker of "public interest." But I'm sure that Ms. Mittelstadt and Ms. Moreno would have been equally accomodating if the groups had been right-leaning.

Posted by Evan @ 09/01/07 07:36 PM


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