A Culture of Success

I read lots of books. Often, I intend to review them here, but never get around to it because I want to write more than a pithy comment.

Lisa Endlich's Goldman Sachs: The Culture of Success is not one of these. Endlich is a former vice president of Goldman, and she was clearly a happy employee. The book mostly reads as thinly disguised propaganda. She provides a rose-tinted chronicle of the firm's history, but that was about it.

On the other hand, perhaps the fact that a former employee would write a book extolling the firm's culture says more than her book itself. Clearly I need to work in a place like that.

Posted by Evan @ 05/29/07 10:20 PM


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[i]On the other hand, perhaps the fact that a former employee would write a book extolling the firm's culture says more than her book itself. Clearly I need to work in a place like that.[/]

Me too!

Posted by kevin @ 05/30/07 08:51 AM

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