Dowd: I don't really want to run for office

Remember those rumors that '04 Bush strategistMatt Dowd was going to come back to Texas and run for office? Comptroller perhaps. He even mentioned the idea publicly.

I think we can put that idea to rest. After reading his non-defense of President Bush in last month's Texas Monthly, it was pretty obvious that Dowd wasn't going to run for office. This NYTimes piece pretty much seals it.

Of course, maybe the fact that he's not so deadset on running means that we should want him to run.

Posted by Evan @ 04/02/07 11:20 AM


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Of course, maybe the fact that he's not so deadset on running means that we should want him to run.

Nah. A guy so easily crushed by the notion that politicians are human (all too human) has his head too far in the clouds to be a good statesman. He should probably become a political columnist.

Posted by kevin @ 04/02/07 11:49 AM

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