Interesting, if true

Ben Ginsberg -- all around GOP super-lawyer -- writes a memo for Mitt Romney's campaign today:

As you know, Romney for President has raised only primary funds, but the McCain, Giuliani, Clinton and Obama campaigns have raised both. (While there may be some advantages in raising both kinds of money now, know there are also disadvantages – for example, 100 percent of general election monies raised must be returned if the candidate is not the nominee. This means that all the costs of general election fundraising, including fundraisers' commissions and event costs must be paid for with primary funds.)
I thought all the campaigns were raising primary and general money right now.

If what Ginsberg says is true -- and I assume it is -- why are campaigns wasting primary funds on raising money for the general? That doesn't make sense to me at all.

Ginsberg also makes the point that was obviously intended to be leaked to the media:

[Also], be aware that some campaigns' totals will include monies raised for the general election. This money will artificially inflate totals, but it is meaningless in gauging current strength since not one penny of a campaign's general election funds can be used in the primary. Reports that don't separate primary and general election contributions will be misleading.

Posted by Evan @ 03/30/07 10:20 AM


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