It all goes back to the 98 coup

Todd Gillman does Texas' former congressional leaders:

"People retire from Congress and they basically write a book that says, 'I was a true and honest, hardworking, honorable guy and everybody around me was a bunch of slugs,' " Mr. Armey said when asked about [DeLay's] critique.

The DeLay book devotes relatively little space to Mr. Armey and does include some praise. Recounting the genesis of the 10-point "Contract with America" that helped Republicans win in 1994, Mr. DeLay writes that "I believe Dick Armey first proposed it," and added that "I have to give Dick Armey credit" for rounding up GOP support.

There's a deeply unflattering portrayal of Mr. Armey's role in the 1997 effort to depose Mr. Gingrich.

Both Texans had met secretly with rank-and-file members plotting the ouster. Mr. Armey ended up exposing the plot, and Mr. DeLay accuses him of lying by portraying Mr. DeLay's role as more active than it was. In his view, Mr. Armey was angling for the speakership but "few respected Armey" and many "didn't trust him."

Lots of stories have been told about the aborted coup in 98, but I don't think the story has ever been well told.

I remember Maraniss reported that Newt used to threaten Clinton in 95 that if Clinton didn't make a deal with Newt, Clinton would find it more difficult to deal with a Speaker Armey.

Posted by Evan @ 03/22/07 12:35 PM


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