Random facts

I live in one of the 10 highest income-tax paying congressional districts in the country, according to the Tax Foundation. The average taxpayer in CD7 pays over $15k in federal income taxes ever year. That's quite a bit of money being sent from Houston to Washington DC.

Of the 10 highest paying tax districts, 7 voted for Kerry (the top 7). No surprise there. In Texas, the rich still vote for Republicans, unlike the rest of the country.

I am (un)happy to report that I pay a fraction of that in income tax.

Click for the extended entry to see every Texas congressional district. I'd love to have formatted this, but time constraints do not permit.

The first substantive number is the Federal Income Tax Burden, as a % of AGI, followed by the national rank (eg, Sessions' district has the 7th highest in the nation federal income tax burden). The following number is the Avg Income Tax Liability per Return, and then the national rank is the last number.

I'm a little surprised that Sam Johnson's Plano district isn't higher.

TX 32 Sessions R 17.66% 7 $13,697 15
TX 7 Culberson R 17.48% 8 $15,202 10
TX 3 Johnson R 13.38% 50 $9,162 50
TX 21 Smith R 13.37% 51 $8,388 59
TX 24 Marchant R 12.50% 81 $7,289 85
TX 10 McCaul R 12.04% 93 $7,004 93
TX 12 Granger R 11.93% 99 $6,248 119
TX 22 Lampson D 11.67% 110 $6,790 100
TX 8 Brady R 11.22% 131 $5,679 140
TX 26 Burgess R 11.00% 139 $6,032 127
TX 2 Poe R 10.87% 143 $5,504 147
TX 30 Johnson D 10.78% 148 $4,563 206
TX 18 Sheila D 10.24% 181 $4,281 230
TX 14 Paul R 10.00% 199 $4,717 198
TX 25 Doggett D 9.61% 230 $4,154 244
TX 11 Conaway R 9.60% 231 $3,993 264
TX 4 Hall D 9.36% 252 $4,225 236
TX 6 Barton R 9.23% 264 $4,221 237
TX 1 Gohmert R 9.22% 265 $3,763 291
TX 31 Carter R 8.97% 284 $3,975 266
TX 17 Edwards D 8.64% 310 $3,510 313
TX 13 Thornbrry R 8.54% 318 $3,334 325
TX 23 Rodriguez D 8.34% 336 $3,296 330
TX 5 Hensarling R 8.20% 348 $3,287 333
TX 19 Neugebaur R 8.17% 350 $2,992 361
TX 9 Green D 7.60% 373 $2,667 381
TX 20 Gonzalez D 7.20% 385 $2,402 398
TX 27 Ortiz D 7.06% 388 $2,439 394
TX 16 Reyes D 6.65% 396 $2,218 405
TX 28 Cuellar D 5.40% 428 $1,753 427
TX 15 Hinojosa D 4.38% 431 $1,320 433
TX 29 Green D 3.49% 435 $1,003 435

Gene Green's district isn't actually last, but penultimate instead. The last would be be Rep. Serrano in NYC, 436th in the nation.

Posted by Evan @ 02/28/07 03:33 PM


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i like that Jackson-Lee's district is just referred to as Sheila.

Posted by texasdem @ 02/28/07 09:17 PM

Texasdem-- Although I'm not a big fan of hers, it wasn't a sign of disrespect. She did once have campaign signs that said only "SHEILA!" Thus, it's an inside joke with a friend.

The reason I changed it to Sheila in the first place was because I thought it might've formatted properly. You'll notice I edited out letters in some of the longer names on the list.

Also -- no one is going to take me to task for painting with such broad strokes on the "In Texas, the rich still vote for Republicans, unlike the rest of the country" line? Hehe. Guess that's what happens to readership when you don't update in 3 weeks or so.

Posted by evan @ 03/01/07 02:15 PM

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