I've been on the lookout to see how the assignments get reported in some of the Craddick Democrats' districts. Here's what Elizabeth Pierson wrote for the McAllen Monitor:

Starr County's third-term Democrat has landed a coveted spot as vice chairman of the committee that writes the Texas budget.

Other Rio Grande Valley lawmakers came away with plum committee assignments, as well.

Rep. Ryan Guillen, D-Rio Grande City, stuck by House Speaker Tom Craddick when he faced challenges from fellow conservative Republicans earlier this month. Now, Guillen is likely to be among a handful of people at the table when the final version of the budget is written.

"I am humbled by Speaker Tom Craddick's confidence in my abilities, and I look forward to working hard to get the job done for the people of Texas," Guillen said in a statement.

In his own statement, Craddick said he looks forward to working with Guillen, too.

"As vice chairman of Appropriations, Ryan will provide leadership from the border during the budget process," said Craddick, who appointed Rep. Warren Chisum, R-Pampa, as chairman of the Appropriations Committee.

Posted by Evan @ 01/29/07 04:23 PM


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