Mitt Romney's big day


Ex-MA Gov. Mitt Romney (R) said he was "blown away" by the $6.5 million his friends and family raised and pledged toward a presidential campaign today, a figure that may shoot a bright flare in the direction of Romney's potential 2008 rivals, most notably Sen. John McCain and Ex-NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

Fundamentally, the telephone-a-thon Romney led here today demonstrats [sic] the breadth of his personal network of supporters and associates

South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint is also planning to endorse Romney.

$6.5M! In a day! Wow! First tier Democratic presidential candidates raised less than that in quarters in 2004. In fact, I want to say that in Q2 2003 John Edwards raised the most money of the Democratic contenders, and it was about $6.5M.

I confess, I have long laughed at the idea that Romney was going to be a serious presidential contender. So, I'll eat some crow: it's been very apparent for at least a few months that Romney is probably the second most likely person to win the GOP nomination (McCain is first). He just has so many networks to raise money: Harvard Law, Harvard MBA, Mormons, consulting (was partner at Bain), venture capital (founded Bain Capital), plus the 2002 Olympics.

He also just has such an incredible bio -- slightly overly gushed here, and he looks presidential. In fact, I'd sorta figured that I'd back McCain (after years of figuring that I'd never back McCain), but I may switch to Romney. I don't really see McCain as president. He's a maverick, but that's much better suited to the Senate, where he doesn't have to lead and build consensus. But I don't know. Still early. We'll see.

Posted by Evan @ 01/09/07 01:00 AM


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I have to agree with you that Romney is the most "Presidential" candidate the GOP has (and better than any of the Dems too). I've seen him here in Iowa work a room and speak. I've had a chance to speak with him and came away VERY impressed. We just need someone who is positive, exudes competence & confidence, and who can truly lead. Our current "front-runner" is a bit too cantankerous and maverick to be a Chief Executive (biggest thing he's ever run has been his Senate staff).

Posted by Jeff Fuller @ 01/09/07 04:00 AM

Mitt Romney in '08!

Posted by Kevin Davis @ 01/09/07 12:58 PM

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