National Dems and CD23

Gary Martin, SAEN:

Speaker-designate Nancy Pelosi and other House leaders are pouring thousands of dollars into Ciro Rodriguez's bid to unseat Rep. Henry Bonilla and expand a Democratic majority in Congress.
The help from Pelosi, D-Calif., comes after Texas Democrats and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus pledged cash to Rodriguez and his uphill fight against a better-funded Bonilla.

"The speaker-designate has made a personal decision to get involved in this race," said Drew Hammill, a Pelosi spokesman in Washington.

Hammill said help to Rodriguez would be "largely a financial involvement," but he didn't rule out a possible Pelosi appearance for the San Antonio Democrat who served eight years in Congress.

Rodriguez received $5,000 on Tuesday from a political action committee controlled by Pelosi, Federal Election Commission records show. He received a total of $48,350 in new contributions, including the $5,000 from Pelosi and at least $15,000 from other Congressional Democrats.

He also got $2,500 from the Texas Democratic Party.

As of now, this isn't a serious commitment by Pelosi or national Democrats to Ciro Rodriguez's campaign. It is perfunctory, at best.

What's missing from Martin's story: if national Democrats were actually committed to this race, they would be pouring millions through the DCCC into the San Antonio to El Paso district. The fact that Pelosi's PAC has given $5K is merely standard, and not very newsworthy. Perhaps Pelosi and national Democrats still plan to funnel millions into the district, but it seems unlikely at this stage of the game.

Posted by Evan @ 12/03/06 08:10 PM


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