Great copy, AP


"There are a lot of people out there ... who think that the color of your skin dictates your political philosophy," Bonilla said. "And that's the greatest insult that you could inflict on any American, regardless of their ethnic background."

Ethnicity is an issue in the campaign for the massive 23rd Congressional District - it stretches from south San Antonio to the Mexican border and west to the eastern edge of El Paso - in part because Texas Republicans made it one.

Bonilla's former district had been drawn in a 2003 redistricting plan engineered by former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay to improve the chances of GOP candidates. However, courts later ruled that by splitting into two congressional districts Webb County, which includes the 94 percent Hispanic city of Laredo, the plan unfairly diluted Hispanic voting strength.

Yeah, gee, protecting a Latino Congressman. How terribly racist of the Republicans. Clearly they were making ethnicity a campaign issue.

Posted by Evan @ 10/30/06 11:59 PM


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