Silly columns

Carl Leubsdorf's column in the DMN:

News that President Bush will make a campaign stop next week in former Rep. Tom DeLay's Houston-area district underscores the defensive strategy the White House has adopted in seeking to stem a potential Democratic tide in next month's elections.

In 2002, when Mr. Bush was riding high politically, he led the charge against Democratic incumbents and helped produce one of the best midterm showings for a recent president.

Mr. Leubsdorf seems to miss the fact that Bush is defending Republican seats because Republicans have already captured much of the low-hanging fruit.

It really was a silly column the more I thought about it. Yes, it's a bad environment for the 'phants and Bush isn't very popular, but the rest of the column seems a little silly. Or maybe it was edited poorly. Who knows?

Posted by Evan @ 10/26/06 11:09 PM


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