
I'm shamelessly stealing these numbers from Paul Burka's blog. Not only does he have the best political blog in Texas, but he's done the best job of keeping up with the polls while I've been away.

Rasmussen (parentheses indicate previous Rasmussen poll):

Perry 36% (34%)
Bell 25% (19%)
Strayhorn 22% (21%)
Friedman 12% (18%)

Survey USA:

Perry 36%
Bell 26%
Strayhorn 19%
Friedman 16%
Werner 1%
Undecided 2%

Zogby's worthless internet poll:

Perry 37.2%
Bell 26.2%
Friedman 13.2%
Strayhorn 13%
Werner 3.9%
Undecided 6.5%

Trial lawyers org poll:

Perry 34%
Strayhorn 19%
Bell 19%
Friedman 9%
Undecided 19%

Data points, people. Data points.

Posted by Evan @ 10/26/06 07:36 AM


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