Wright Amendment amendment going down?
That title isn't a typo. Looks like efforts to amend the Wright Amendment will likely fail during this Congress, meaning it'll be quite awhile before they change it.
Without the antitrust exemption that was stripped from the Wright Amendment bill by the House Judiciary Committee earlier this week, the bill will have to be brought down, said the bill's author.
"We won't pass the bill that came out of the Judiciary Committee," Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, told reporters Friday. "We'd have to bring it down. We couldn't pass it."
"It is my highest priority," she said of the bill. "I lose sleep every night."
Hutchison told reporters she hopes to have a solution this month. She says she is constantly trying to come up with the language that will push the bill through Congress.
It's largely a parochial issue for the Metroplex region, and one that's definitely not simple. Amending the regulatory morass is complicated.
Posted by Evan @ 09/20/06 06:41 PM
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I don't share your skepticism over ultimate repeal. The current proposal essentially trades one cartel for another and may actually harm DFW consumers even more than the present situation.
Assuming no change this year, I sense that other congress members will follow Sen Kit Bond's lead and see that their states are ultimately exempted from the American Airlines' corporate welfare program.
Posted by Bob @ 09/21/06 02:49 PM
I don't share your skepticism over ultimate repeal. The current proposal essentially trades one cartel for another and may actually harm DFW consumers even more than the present situation.
I think you are putting words into my mouth.
Posted by evan @ 09/21/06 03:05 PM
fuck yall
Posted by elton rivera @ 10/09/06 02:01 PM
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