Democrats for Bonilla

Greg Jefferson in the SAEN:

Former Gov. Dolph Briscoe is with him. So is Uvalde Mayor George Garza and Helen Dutmer, a former Bexar County commissioner and San Antonio city councilwoman.

They're among 21 pols and former pols sitting on the steering committee of "Democrats for Bonilla," according to Rep. Henry Bonilla's campaign.

Their support could give the San Antonio Republican some much-needed credibility among Democratic voters.

The three-judge panel — responding to a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that Congressional District 23's 2003 remapping violated the Voting Rights Act — sliced four staunchly conservative Hill Country counties out of the district and added Democrat-heavy South Bexar County.

Although Dutmer, who is also supporting Republican George Antuna over Democrat Joe Farias in the Texas House District 118 race, is the sole South Side politico on the list, she's not the only San Antonian.

Henry Muñoz, CEO of architectural firm Kell Muñoz and a former chairman of the Texas Department of Transportation, is also is a "Democrat for Bonilla," according to the seven-term congressman's campaign.

Bonilla is the perfect candidate for this district. He's going to be awfully tough to beat, because he's proven himself to be a good campaigner.

Antuna might be one of the few folks who could hold Bonilla's seat when Bonilla takes a shot at a statewide race in the future. But that depends on him winning this race and being successful in the Legislature. Given that if Texas Republicans want to maintain their hegemony over the next few decades, they'll need some Hispanics on the team in prominent seats of power, the Texas money givers might want to consider amply funding Antuna.

Posted by Evan @ 09/20/06 02:54 PM


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Bonilla is a corrupt DeLay crony. His days are numbered.

But you're right that Republicans are screwed long term if they don't recruit more Hispanic talent.

Dems will re-take Texas. It's only a matter of time.

Posted by Reality Check @ 09/24/06 12:03 PM

Sure good campaigner with all his Delay monies. He is as much a crook as any in the republican party today.

Posted by Sgt Byrd @ 10/16/06 09:04 AM

BONILLA IS A COCONUT and all hispanics voters who support him. He has no clue to south texas issues if he does he confirms with GOP leaders before voting

Posted by Steve G. Trevino @ 12/29/06 03:22 PM

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