We're on! Four-way race!

The race is on. It's the not-often-seen four-way race! Here's the Chron's Clay Robison:

Comptroller Carole Keeton Strayhorn and author-musician Kinky Friedman have qualified for spots on the November ballot as independent candidates for governor, Secretary of State Roger Williams ruled today.

Williams, the state's chief elections officer, deferred a decision on whether Strayhorn will be allowed to use the nickname, "Grandma," on the ballot, as she has requested. The secretary of state needs to do more research on that issue, a spokesman said.

Williams said Strayhorn and Friedman far exceeded collecting the 45,540 signatures that each needed for a ballot spot. All signers had to be registered voters who didn't cast ballots in either major party's primary or runoff elections.

After a preliminary review, Williams certified 108,512 of the 222,514 signatures submitted by Strayhorn and 137,154 of the 170,258 signatures submitted by Friedman.

So, it was obvious from the start that any serious candidate should be able to get on the ballot. I was saying that from the start. And it was obvious during the signature gathering period that they would get enough signatures. Then they turned plenty in.

But now we know for sure that they are on the ballot. Let the games begin, R. Chris, J. Richard, Richard, and Carole.

In other news, Steve Stockman will not face Democrat Nick Lampson and Republican To-Be-Named-Later. He didn't gather nearly enough signatures.

Posted by Evan @ 06/22/06 08:19 PM


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