South South Texas Democratic Party chairs don't sound enthusiastic about teh Wendy Davis
Katie Glueck's Politico article about Wendy Davis losing to a no-name in South Texas has some interesting off-message comments from the Democratic party chairs in South Texas:
That was echoed by Silverio Martinez, the chairman of the Democratic Party in Laredo-area Webb County, which went to Madrigal by about 2,700 votes."The only thing I can think is that he's Hispanic," Martinez said. "He did not campaign here at all ... it's very weird to me."
Martinez added that voters also could have been concerned about Davis' stance on abortion -- she earned a national name last summer when she temporarily derailed a restrictive abortion measure.
Kelly Rivera Salazar, the chairwoman of the Hidalgo County Democratic Party -- a border county that Davis lost by about 2,000 votes -- highlighted the issue more pointedly.
"Here in Hidalgo County, we are predominantly not only Hispanic but also Catholic," she said. "Her stance on women's rights issues recently in the Texas legislature may have played a role in how the votes came out last night."
How long do you think the trial lawyers will keep writing million dollar checks to Obama's staffers just because Van de Putte tells them that Latinas are secretly pro-abortion?
Posted by Evan @ 03/08/14 03:43 PM
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