David Dewhurst's dirty tricks: fake Sarah Palin endorsement call

UPDATE: I can only confirm one report of the call. A woman came to a tea party booth at an East Texas event and reported how angry she was to get a Palin impersonator robocall endorsing Dewhurst from a voice claiming to be "Sarah." As far as I can tell, this was the source of the various rumors as I haven't been able to track down other first-hand reports.


Now that Dewhurst is losing headed into the runoff election day, they are apparently trying a new dirty trick: a call from a Palin impersonator claiming that "Sarah" has endorsed David Dewhurst. On the contrary, Palin has wholeheartedly endorsed Ted Cruz.

When audio is available, it will be posted.

Related: Kids for Cash scandal

Posted by Evan @ 07/28/12 01:07 PM


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He knows we ain't buying what he's selling! Go Ted! Choose Cruz!

Posted by BornFreeAmerican @ 07/30/12 10:05 AM

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