Buy some Kinky Friedman

This won't be news to regular readers, but I'll quote Jay Root's FWST article anyway:

Friedman is marketing his own talking action figure, selling it on the Internet to raise money for his campaign. He's already pulled in more than $90,000, and the dolls aren't even available yet for shipping, officials say.

"How hard can it be?" the Kinky doll says at the push of a button.

"It's much more than I expected, and it's still going, still going strong," Friedman said in a telephone interview from his ranch near Kerrville. "It's gone over the top. It looks like it's going to hit $100,000."

Friedman, a novelist and songwriter, plans to sell the dolls, which utter some of the Kinkster's famous one-liners, for about $30 each or $100 for people who want a signed first edition, if they pledge by Labor Day.


He's about to order the first batch of about 15,000 dolls from a Chinese manufacturer. The campaign said it couldn't find a Texas doll maker.

Smart politics for the Kinky campaign to release that it was using a Chinese manufacturer upfront. If they didn't, someone would find out, and if Kinky happens to become a serious contender, then the word would get out.

Posted by Evan @ 08/26/05 01:18 AM


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