Cleaning out, post Labor Day edition

Today is the first day after labor day, and thus the traditional campaigning period has begun. It also means the Silly Season is well upon us.

So let me clear out tabs on my browser:

1. Wayne Slater leads with:

With the elections two months away, incumbents across the country are scrambling to survive an anti-establishment, pro-outsider tide of voter discontent.
In so far as Democrats (and Republican appropriators) are the incumbents and the establishment, this is true. I seem to hear alot more about angry voters in 2010 than I did in 2008 or 2006, although people are swinging more along ideological grounds in 2010 than in 2008 or 06.

2. Obama's recently departed budget director comes out hesitantly in favor of extending all the Bush tax cuts for two years.

3. Peggy Fikac makes fun of new state GOP chair Steve Munisteri:

State GOP leaders said they made history by bringing conservative Hispanic leaders together last week, but one who attended the meeting dismissed the gathering as more hat than cattle.

"That meeting was designed to be a meeting so they could say they met with Hispanic leaders. I did not see a plan of action," said Fermín Ortiz, president of the Llano County Republican Club, who emphasized he wasn't speaking on behalf of the group. "I'm not the only person that left that meeting thinking, 'What didn't we do today?'."

State GOP Chairman Steve Munisteri - who highlighted the participation of leaders from seven other groups - said Ortiz is wrong. He said Ortiz asked to attend, rather than being on the original invitation list, adding, "I don't know him from Adam." Maybe that's a problem.

Is Fikac really suggesting that the chair of the state party must know everyone, even if they are from a county of under 20k people? Especially when, as Fikac admits, Mr. Ortiz "said he's twice worked to try to elect Democratic candidates."

4. Rick Casey can get really outraged at the big donations to Republicans, yet sound very zen about equally large or larger donations to Democrats. Hold on, was it Labor Day weekend? Check.

5. Ratcliffe's analysis lede: The Texas general election opens this Labor Day looking like the Year of the Angry Voter.

A year of the Angry Voter would be characterized by incumbents of both parties falling. Have many Republican statewide incumbents are in danger of falling? How about in the legislature? Alot more Democrats are likely to fall, meaning this probably has more to do with a shift in partisan identification and motivation than it does about anger.

6. The Fix has a post on the 8 most important non-federal races this cycle for redistricting purposes. Of the 8, 6 are gubernatorial races, and Republicans will probably pick up 5 or 6 of those.

Posted by Evan @ 09/07/10 05:59 PM


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