Factchecking Bill White

AP (via DMN):

White said during his time as Houston mayor he worked closely with both the Bush and Obama administrations but also wasn't afraid to criticize them.

I just skipped over this as I skimmed the article. And then, when I finished, something didn't sit right. So I went back to reread the article. And aha! there it was.

I don't remember Bill White criticizing Obama. This is, after all, the man who ran this ad:

Perhaps in his own eyes, Bill White is equal to Obama and MLK.

So I spent 20 minutes googling. There are plenty of articles on Bill White criticizing Republicans, including the first result. I found nothing where Bill White criticized Obama. If Bill White has been criticizing Obama, he's been doing it very, very quietly.

Meanwhile, Robert Garrett reports:

[Bill White said he] took "a more aggressive approach" on immigration while mayor of Houston than did counterparts in practically every other U.S. and Texas city.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the majority of other Texascities aren't sanctuary cities. Bill White supported the sanctuary city policy.

That's a more aggressive approach? I'm guessing alot of Texas swing voters would disagree.

Do you think the Statesman and DMN will factcheck this?

Posted by Evan @ 03/04/10 06:19 PM


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This isn't significant criticism of Obama, but White expressed concerns about Obama's cap and trade proposal: http://abclocal.go.com/ktrk...

Posted by Joe Tognetti @ 03/05/10 11:32 AM

Bill White is a liberal Democrat partisan hack. Too left-wing for Texas. Ran Houston city government poorly. Left a gigantic debt. He is terrible.

Posted by Bismillah @ 03/06/10 02:11 PM

Should check your facts. When White was elected mayor, Lee P. was already running with an $18 million budget shortfall. When White left, the city was facing a $24 million shortfall. While the numbers increased, so did the city's population. In addition, White was facing fallout from Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Ike as well as a suffering economy nationwide.

Posted by factsrurfriend @ 03/10/10 09:42 PM

** Should check your facts. When White was elected mayor, Lee P. was already running with an $18 million budget shortfall. When White left, the city was facing a $24 million shortfall. While the numbers increased, so did the city's population. **

Checking your facts only seems to confirm that the city wound up in worse shape. Now, masking the city's debt in creative ways is also a fact.

Current Mayor Annise Parker:

“For years now, we have spent more money than we have taken in,” she said. “You can't spend more than you earn. It is a very unbusinesslike approach to running things.”


Others have been talking about these facts (!) for a while, but Mayor Parker can hardly be criticized as a GOP partisan or Perry lapdog (and misdirection isn't a rebuttal to the facts in any case).

Posted by kevin @ 03/12/10 03:16 PM

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