Why Kay is unlikely to have a chance even if there is a runoff

Balz, WaPo:

Hutchison says she did not challenge Perry four years ago because she was told that he would not run in 2010. "He said to everyone, 'I only want one more term,' " she said. "So I did step aside when I could have won."

I started this blog many moons ago because I was annoyed that every media account I read declared that Hutchison would trounce Perry in 06. It was obviously wrong then and was likely to be wrong in the future.

So Hutchison is a little divorced from reality. She certainly wouldn't be the first politician to have that happen to her. But it doesn't make me think that KBH is going to figure out how to change the dynamic that is necessary to win a runoff.

Posted by Evan @ 03/02/10 12:11 AM


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