PPP and KXAN Constituent Dynamics Polls

KXAN, Constituent Dynamics, 2/19-2/21 1300 reg voters, +/- 3%

Perry 44
Hutchison 30
Medina 14
Undec 12

White 43
Shami 22
Others 8
Undec 27

Public Policy Polling, a Democratic polling firm, released their GOP primary numbers.
2/19-2/21, 400 likely Republican primary voters, sampling MoE +/- 4.9%

Perry 40
Hutchison 31
Medina 20
Undecided 9

Hypothetical runoff
KBH 35
Perry 52

PPP shows a definite bifurcation between conservatives and moderates/liberals. Among liberals, Hutchison leads 40 to 25 and among moderates Hutchison leads 51 to 26. Among conservatives, Perry leads 45 to Hutch's 24 with Medina picking up 20.

On the D side, they have White 59, Shami 12, Alvarado 5, Aguado 3, and undecided 18.

Posted by Evan @ 02/23/10 09:57 PM


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