Rasmussen's poll shows Perry and KBH dropping a point or two, Medina picking them up

Lots of folks talking about the Rasmussen poll. Question wording available here.

831 likely GOP primary voters,+/- 3.5% MoE, in the field 1/17/2010. Numbers in parenthesis are from the November poll.

Perry 43 (46)
Hutchison 33 (35)
Medina 12 (4)
Undecided 11 (14)

Very fav/ Smwht fav/ smwhat unfav/ very unfav/ not sure
Perry 26 / 46 / 17 / 9 /1
Hutchison 23 / 50 / 21 / 4 / 2
Medina 12 / 31 / 20 / 9 / 28

Barack Obama approval percentage: 16%. That seems surprisingly high.
65% say Kay should not resign as Senator while running for governor.

Perry 68% job approval as governor.

Posted by Evan @ 01/19/10 12:01 AM


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