I wondered, Cory Crow answers.

Will the InterLeft stand for Shami? Evan thinks so. Me? I'm not so sure. Vince Leibowitz is a good blogger, but a majority of the Progressive blogosphere has already signed on for White, who has his own member of the InterLeft (Greg Whythe of gregsopinion) signed on for the duration. Since most of the InterLeft seemingly takes their lead from The Texas Progressive Alliance (More here, here, here, here, here and well..you get the picture), and the Alliance is all in for White....well, I don't see there being much written by the InterLeft that casts White in a negative light, certainly not when you consider the InterLeft considers White to be their best shot at the Governor's mansion since Tony Sanchez.

Just for the record, I re-read my post, and I don't think I expressed an opinion, just a question. Anyway, I appreciate Cory's summary on the predilections of the liberal Texas bloggers.

Posted by Evan @ 01/08/10 05:42 PM


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I guess I took your "interesting to watch" comment as an endorsement. Oh well, not intended to offend, just offering my two cents.

Glad to see you back.

Posted by Cory @ 01/10/10 03:46 PM

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