La Abuela Mas Loca
One Crazy Grandma is apparently thinking about trying to run for her old a Democrat.
Texas Democratic Party spokeswoman Kirsten Gray confirmed that former Republican Comptroller Carole Keeton Strayhorn called Democratic party chairman Boyd Richie on Tuesday to discuss running for comptroller as a Democrat. Earlier this month, the Statesman's W. Gardner Selby reported that Strayhorn had also reached out to Houston Mayor Bill White, the party's front-runner for governor.
Quick summary of Strayhorn's career: Democrat Mayor of Austin, switches to the Republicans, becomes a fairly standard Republican officeholder for years until she starts thinking about governor. Switches to independent, runs a quixotic campaign that gets like 10% of the vote, while prevaricating on her position on abortion. Then, she runs for mayor of Austin, coming in a less-than-solid 3rd.
And the Democrats are trying to recruit her? Seriously? I tell you what, if i were a Democrat, I'd be less than happy with Richie. Although I personally distrust people like this strongly, as I assert that they only care about the prestige and attention of holding public office.
That's One Crazy Grandma.
Posted by Evan @ 12/28/09 06:22 PM
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