Money, Money, Money! (Final edition)

Who's got how much money left for the final stretch. As of Saturday, September 28th, the candidates had this much:

Perry $2.9 million
Strayhorn $0.42 million
Bell $0.08 million
Friedman $0.54 million
A huge cash advantage for Perry, even after Bell received his millions from trial lawyer John O'Quinn.

If you're one of those people who thinks it matters how much the candidates raised over the last month, then here are those numbers: Perry $2.6 million, Bell $2.8 million (including the $1 million dollar loan from O'Quinn and the $1 million O'Quinn donation), Strayhorn $0.58 million, Friedman $1.1 million.

In other words, Bell started burning through cash like there was no tomorrow, when in fact there's about a week of tomorrows. Strayhorn hasn't been able to raise any money, because folks realize she self-destructed her campaign during the summer. And Friedman has actually learned to conserve a little money, after that horrendous burn rate he had going on early in the campaign.

Posted by Evan @ 10/31/06 07:39 PM


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