Traffic up, I'm not posting, maybe I will be soon

Traffic is way up, largely because lots of people are finding this blog searching for Rick Perry. Also, people like to search for abortion and one of the candidates, or polls.

It's very disappointing to me that I don't have time to write in the heat of an election I've been chronicling for the last two years. Trust me, if I could, I would. But a confluence of events has served to leave my free time at zero. The only real free time I've had in the past couple weeks I spent representing Rice at a minority college fair...and I was totally on my game. I'm a great advocate when I get psyched for it, and this was something I believe in. Thanks to my former Rice roommate for coming with me and spurring me on. He's definitely one of the reasons that Rice was a fantastic place to go to school.

So, I spent two minutes writing this post, and it's two minutes I don't have. I need to sleep, but I'll post-date this post for the morning. I'll probably have some free time starting Friday or Saturday, and I hope that I'll be able to pick up blogging again. All I can say is that I wish I wrote for a living, but I don't. And living is pretty important.

Posted by Evan @ 10/11/06 06:57 AM


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