Sometimes blogs worm their way into the news cycle

FWST -- Blogger: Perry's next stop may be College Station

A rumor making its way around the state has Republican Gov. Rick Perry resigning in January -- assuming he wins re-election -- and persuading the Texas A&M University board of regents to name him chancellor of his alma mater.

Aggie Chancellor Bob McTeer has said he'll retire early next year.

Under the theory, first advanced in a blog by Texas Monthly's Paul Burka, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst would advance to the Governor's Mansion, putting Republican state Sen. Jane Nelson of Lewisville in line as a contender to replace him as the presiding officer of the Texas Senate.

I mostly pass it on because it's amusing that Paul Burka is described in the headline as a "blogger."

Posted by Evan @ 09/26/06 07:29 AM


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