Republican and Democratic Primary Results

With about 80% of precincts reporting:

Rick Perry 84%
Larry Kilgore 8%
Star Locke 4%
Rhett Smith 5%

Chris Bell 64%
Bob Gammage 28%

I meant to put a numerical prediction up for the Democrats, but half chickened out/half forgot (that is, when I remembered, I was busy and decided to do it later...and then forgot). I predicted Bell awhile back, so it's no surprise to me that he won. I was going to take the safe route and pick Bell with 60%, but that's easy to say afterwards. That is the number I was kicking around in my head though.

Interestingly, from what I've read (but have not conclusively researched) Bell spent nothing on yard signs, putting his money into direct mail. Gammage, on the other hand, put money into yard signs, but nothing into direct mail.

Posted by Evan @ 03/07/06 11:34 PM


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