Rudy Giuliani endorses Rick Pery

Shannon -- AP:

Former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani has endorsed Texas Gov. Rick Perry for re-election, calling him a "strong and determined leader" and urging Republicans to contribute money to Perry's campaign.

Giuliani's comments are contained in a national mailer to potential Republican contributors in Texas and other states. The mass mailing was paid for by the Perry campaign, which would not disclose the cost.

Giuliani, who shepherded his city through the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and is a potential Republican presidential contender, praised Perry in the campaign literature for his response to hurricanes that hit Louisiana and Texas last fall.

"A few months ago, in the aftermath of the terrible tragedies caused by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, our nation watched the state of Texas and its leader, Gov. Rick Perry, step up to support those in need," Giuliani's letter states.

Hmm. Remember how Mayor Giuliani was in San Antonio not too long ago?

Posted by Evan @ 01/27/06 09:01 PM


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